Pout Erotic-10
B Train
The whistle sounds through your lips
Last stop, they taunt
Last opportunity
For what? my brain screams
But, my heart palpitates in anticipation
Labia grinds against labia
Already knowing what the what was…
Time for a ride on the B Train
No ticket needed
Just a willing body and a lust- filled spirit
A ticket to hell
Wrapped in heaven
No pressure
No recriminations
No…inhibitions allowed
Shaky legs step on the platform of your body
Knowing better
Unable to help myself
Conscience silenced by the sperm call in the air
Pussy juice factory working overtime
Eggs ripened to bursting
Only to die in a birth-controlled uterus
Thank goodness
Eyes locked on smoldering eyes
Last chance, they whisper
I know, I respond silently
Take the hand offered
Gasoline panties ignite
Consuming me
For the ride on the B train
No ticket needed
Just a willing body and a lust- filled spirit
Free-will at its best…or worse.
At 11:00 AM, muffins gone WILD! said…
i like!!!
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